Direct Mail: The Old-School Marketing Channel That Still Delivers

Direct mail is often dismissed as an outdated marketing channel, but the numbers tell a different story. Direct mail has a higher response rate and LTV (lifetime value) than any other channel, and it remains a consistent driver of revenue for brands and nonprofits alike.

So what makes direct mail so effective? Here are a few reasons:

  • It’s tangible. Direct mail is something that people can touch and hold in their hands and interact with. This makes it more likely to be remembered and acted upon than digital ads, which can be easily ignored or forgotten.
  • It’s targeted. Direct mail can be targeted to specific demographics and interests, which means that it’s more likely to reach people who are actually interested in what you have to offer.
  • It’s personal. Direct mail can be personalized with the recipient’s name and address. This makes it feel more like a personal message, which is more likely to be read and acted upon.

Our Path2Response team has over 30 years of experience and we understand the effectiveness of using direct mail as a channel. Recently, Winterberry Group, a strategic management consultancy specializing in the intersecting disciplines of advertising, marketing, data, technology, and commerce, spearheaded a whitepaper that addressed the fact that US marketers will invest more than $39 billion in direct mail this year. This figure represents a significant increase from previous years and is driven by a number of factors, including:

  • The need to acquire new customers and drive incremental sales. Many marketers are finding that direct mail is a more effective way to reach and engage potential customers than digital channels alone.
  • Improvements in data and creative personalization. Direct mailers are now able to create highly personalized campaigns that are more likely to resonate with recipients.
  • The development of new technologies and capabilities. On-demand production, trigger-driven programs, and retargeting are just a few of the ways that direct mailers are using technology to improve their campaigns and results.

Maria Youth was honored to be included in the Winterberry Group report on the state of direct mail titled: Delivering Performance: Direct Mail in the United States 2023. This whitepaper is based on extensive research with hundreds of agency and marketing stakeholders and provides an insider view on the nearly $40 billion direct marketing channel for anyone considering direct mail as part of their media mix.

In today’s digital world, direct mail can (and should) be used as part of an omnichannel marketing strategy. For example, you could send a direct mail piece to a lead that was generated online. This would help to keep your brand top of mind and encourage them to take the next step.

Bottom Line: Direct mail is STILL one of the most powerful performance marketing channels (we may be biased, but we think it’s possibly even the best!) that can help you reach your target audience, generate leads, and drive sales. If you’re not using direct mail, you’re missing out on a valuable opportunity to connect with your customers and grow your business.

Maria Youth and hundreds of marketing industry leaders and experts contributed to Winterberry Group's insightful whitepaper sponsored in part by Path2Response LLC: "Delivering Performance Direct Mail in the United States 2023"
Direct mail is powerful

Direct mail is an effective and powerful marketing tool, but it can be costly and a waste of time if you make mistakes. By understanding the basic structure of developing winning campaigns, you can create a successful direct mail campaign that reaches your target audience and drives results. Looking for high-value, in-market consumers? Let’s connect!

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