
Incredible Growth Using A Multi-touch Approach for a Nonprofit by incorporating Connected TV

Path2Response delivers 21% Lift to a Nonprofit by Adding Connected TV to their Direct Mail Outreach

Path2Response provided nearly double the response rates that other sources provided!


Bolster direct mail

A nonprofit client was looking to bolster their direct mail program with other channels of outreach including connected TV. Considering there are many ways to reach potential donors, the direct mail-only route was feeling a bit stale. Results from this singular approach had been dropping off over recent campaigns.


Path2Response worked with the nonprofit to customize a multi-touch approach that combined Connected TV and our direct mail program to identify additional qualified prospects, maximize potential reach and strengthen the targeting.  Our massive dataset of individual buying and donating behaviors delivered an audience tailored to the nonprofit’s goals.


Donation Increased

The campaign combined both Path2Response direct mail and Connected TV and resulted in a lift of a 21% increased donation over their traditional direct mail only campaigns. 

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